The field of violence prevention is still new and is growing. The What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Global Programme is advancing the field through two major funds that were established to support innovative new approaches in primary prevention, and to build the evidence of what works to stop violence from existing programmes.
Through these two areas of work, the Global Programme supports 15 projects across Africa and Asia.
Pakistan, Hyderabad District, Sindh Province | Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls through Sport and Play
Since 2002, Right to Play has worked with hundreds of thousands of children and young people in Pakistan, to shift the social norms that perpetuate and condone violence. Through its schools-based Sport and Play programme, teachers are provided with curricula and trained to challenge the acceptability of VAWG.
Zambia | Serenity Harm Reduction Programme
This is a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectivess of a multipronged intervention in reducing violence against women and girls/youth (VAWG) by addressing a number of identified risk factors, for example childhood abuse, domestic violence, alcohol use. The intervention is designed to research supporting multi-modal treatments, and to model after how organizations may incorporate a program to prevent violence.
Ghana | Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre
The COMBAT model developed over a decade ago by the Gender Centre as part of a rural response to VAWG has been implemented in over 20 communities in different regions of Ghana. Community Based Action Teams (COMBAT), with equal representation of men and women, will be selected and trained on types, causes and impact of VAW, family laws, conflict resolution, advocacy and counselling.
Rwanda | CARE International
This programme led by CARE International will implement a package of prevention interventions which aim to change attitudes, behaviours and social norms around gender inequality and GBV in communities across seven districts in Rwanda. The What Works Global Programme will conduct an impact evaluation to collect evidence on the effectiveness of these interventions on addressing risk factors for GBV as well as the prevalence of GBV; and operations research which will provide insights into how interventions are working and how the project can be implemented in successful ways that provide value for money.
Nepal | VSO International
The One Community One Family project addresses factors related to migration in Nepal including the changing roles and identities of men and women in migrant communities that are seen to be driving a rise in VAWG. The project will provide migrant women with livelihood training and link them to microfinance institutions, and will work with the wider community to provide counseling, access to support services, and drive local advocacy activities.
Kenya | Ujamaa Africa
Ujamaa Africa will work in partnership with government ministries, UN agencies and civil society organisations in Kenya to implement a project that aims to reduce rates of sexual violence, by developing a schools-based programme to address the factors that can lead to violence early on. The project also includes a randomized control trial to test the intervention.
Democratic Republic of Congo | Tearfund
The project focuses on primary prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG), particularly sexual violence, in 20 conflict-affected communities in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project will engage and equip faith leaders to speak out against VAWG and act as catalysts to address the root causes of violence within their local communities.
South Africa | Sonke Gender Justice
This project will refine and test a multi-level model for reducing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in urban South Africa using a cluster randomised controlled trial design. It will expand a gender-transformative programme called One Man Can (OMC) by adding community mobilisation and advocacy, and more squarely focus on preventing violence against women and girls.
South Africa | Project Empower
Stepping Stones and Creating Futures aims to reduce rates of intimate partner violence in urban areas in South Africa. The programme runs peer-to-peer training sessions with 18-24 year olds. In these sessions participants develop livelihoods strategies and are involved in discussions, role plays, dramas and games that encourage participants to reflect on social norms around gender and the use of violence.
India | Karnataka Health Promotion Trust
Samdevena Plus is a multi-level intervention that aims to reduce vulnerability to HIV amongst female sex workers in Karnataka State, India, by reducing partner violence and increasing consistent condom use within their intimate relationships. The Global Programme, in partnership with the Karnataka Health Promotion Trust and STRIVE will evaluate the programme using a Cluster-Randomised Control Trial.
Tajikistan | International Alert
International Alert will work with Tajik NGO partners to build a multi-component project to address underlying factors that condone and contribute to domestic violence in Tajikistan. The project will work to develop economic and business opportunities for women, but will also work with the wider community, including men and influential community institutions to begin wider conversations to shift social norms and gender stereotypes that contribute to an environment that condones violence against women and girls.
Bangladesh | BSR (Business for Social Responsibility)
In order to address violence against women and harassment in the workplace, HERrespect will link international buyers and their supplier factories in Bangladesh, with local NGOs, to run workplace training sessions on gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is an exciting project because of its potential for scaling up and impacting upon thousands of women in the garment industry in Bangladesh and beyond. This programme aims to develop a new approach on how workplaces can be transformed to recognise gender equality as a business priority.
Nepal | Equal Access Nepal
Change Starts at Home uses media (radio and SMS) and community mobilization to prevent IPV against women and girls in Nepal. Centred around an innovative radio programme and weekly listener group meetings, the intervention will target married couples, family members and community leaders across Nepal, addressing social norms, attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate women and girls low status. The impact of the project will be rigorously evaluated using a Randomised Control Trial to examine potential pathways of change and over the 3 years, Equal Access hopes to identify intervention activities that are effective, replicable and scalable so that a change in the status of women and girls in Nepal can be sustained over time