Samvedana Plus: Reducing violence and increasing condom use in the intimate partnerships of female sex workers

Project Title

Samvedana Plus: Reducing violence and increasing condom use in the intimate partnerships of female sex workers.

The Organisation

Karnataka Health Promotion Trust is implementing Samvedana Plus with 800 female sex workers and their intimate partners, in partnership with Chaitanya AIDS Tadegattwa Mahila Sangha, a community-based organisation (CBO) of sex workers in northern Karnataka, India. The programme runs with support from the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UNTF), What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls consortium and the University of Manitoba. Within DFID –funded STRIVE consortium, KHPT and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine are evaluating the impact.     

Geographic Location

Bagalkot district, North Karnataka, India

Summary of Intervention / Research

Samvedana Plus is an intervention and evaluation study to understand and address violence and HIV risk amongst the intimate partnerships of female sex workers.  The intervention works at three level: Individual level (FSWs and IPs); CBO and Community with effective strategies to shift social norms, challenge gender roles and prevent violence against women. The evaluation employs a cluster-randomised control trial design, including quantitative baseline, midline and endline assessments amongst FSWs, and baseline and endline assessments with their IPs; qualitative, longitudinal case studies with FSWs and their IPs; in-depth interviews with facilitators of the programme, and implementation monitoring. The study is investigating the relationship between social norms and HIV risk in the context of sex workers’ intimate partnerships and assess the efficacy of the intervention in modifying these norms.

Major Timeframes

The project will run over 3 years and end line results are expected in the first quarter of 2018

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Key Contact

Raghavendra Thalinja, Project Director, Karnataka Health Promotion
