Evidence HubWhat Works Resources


21 December 2018

Guidelines for conducting cost analyses of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls in low- and middle-income settings

Additional Info

  • Author: Giulia Ferrari, Sergio Torres-Rueda, Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Charlotte Watts and Anna Vassall
  • Date of publication: 12 December 2018

Click here to download the guidelines and a zipped folder containing the beta version of the costing tool in excel. Unzip the folder, and start costing your intervention using the guidelines alongside the costing tool. Look out for the "worked examples" boxes in the guidelines. They show you how to record a specific cost step-by-step in the costing tool, and point you to the cells in the costing tool where you will find exactly the "example data" described in the guidelines (remember to delete these "example data" once you start costing your project). Happy costing, and please remember to send us feedback and queries on the costing tool (it is a beta version),at giulia.ferrari@lshtm.ac.uk or sergio.torresrueda@lshtm.ac.uk with the title “What Works beta costing tool feedback” to help us improve it!”

archive Download (2.34 MB)