
Conflict & Crisis (6)

Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) were established to support Component 2’s studies in Kenya and South Sudan.

The main purpose of the TAGs is to provide technical input on research questions, ethical and safety measures, and dissemination and uptake strategies. Members are drawn from UN agencies, humanitarian organisations, government ministries, research institutions, I/NGO’s, women’s and civil society organisations and other stakeholders working on VAWG with experience in research and developing policy.

The members of the TAG include amongst them the following areas of knowledge and experience: knowledge of VAWG and gender issues in conflict; ability to extend the impact of the research through promoting research outputs and their translation into policy and practice; understanding and experience in developing research; and experience in developing, implementing and evaluating interventions on VAWG.


Current membership includes representatives from the following organisations:

  • Department of African Women's Studies Centre (University of Nairobi)
  • DFID Kenya
  • Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya (FIDA-K)
  • Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC)
  • Global Consult Ltd.
  • Institute of Anthropology,  Gender and African Studies (IAGAS) (University of Nairobi)
  • LVCT Health
  • National Gender and Equality  Commission (NGEC)
  • Population Council
  • UNHCR Dadaab
  • UNICEF Kenya

South Sudan

Current membership includes representatives from the following organisations:-         

  • DFID South Sudan
  • South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network (SSWEN)
  • EVE Organisation for Women Development
  • Juba Teaching Hospital (JTH)
  • UNICEF South Sudan

Component 2 is led by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). For any queries please contact us via:



The What Works project
International Rescue Committee
3 Bloomsbury Place
United Kingdom

Six research studies are being conducted to produce rigorous research and evidence on:

VAWG prevalence in South Sudan: a mixed-methods study on the prevalence, forms, patterns and drivers of VAWG in South Sudan;

Kenya refugee camp case management: an assessment of the comprehensive case management model using a task-sharing approach with refugee community workers in the refugee camps of Dadaab;

GBV response post Typhoon Haiyan: a study on how the humanitarian sector met women and girl’s needs in the response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, including the effectiveness of deployed GBV experts;

Impact of cash transfers on women’s protection and empowerment: an evaluation of the impact of cash transfer programming on women’s empowerment and protection outcomes in acute emergencies (future emergency to be determined);

Statebuilding and peacebuilding: an assessment of how different forms of VAWG and the drivers of VAWG have been addressed by national actors in statebuilding and peacebuilding processes; and also exploring how VAWG affects these processes;

Secondary analysis on the impact of Village Savings and Loans Associations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): a study on what factors moderated the effectiveness of a group based savings program on the mental health, experiences of stigma, and economic status of a survivor of sexual violence in the DRC.

A Global Research Advisory Group (GRAG) was established to bring a broad and expert oversight to Component 2’s research portfolio. Composed of renowned researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the area of violence against women and girls in conflict and humanitarian emergencies, our GRAG members provide expert review on the design and implementation of our six studies as well as analysis and dissemination of findings.

Our current GRAG members are:

Dr Claudia Garcia-Moreno: specialist on gender-based violence (Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO)

Dr Jennifer Leaning: expert in public health and rights-based responses to humanitarian crises (Director of the Harvard François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University)

Ms Judy El-Bushra: independent consultant specialising on issues of gender, conflict and peacebuilding

Ms Mendy Marsh: Specialist on GBV in Emergencies, UNICEF

This component is an international multi-disciplinary partnership led by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), with George Washington University’s Global Women’s Institute (GWU, GWI) and CARE International UK (CIUK).

IRCThe International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee(IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Over the past 17 years, the IRC has pioneered programmes that prevent and respond to VAWG, especially in emergencies and crisis, making the IRC a global leader in this field. Today, the IRC manages programmes targeting VAWG in 26 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, helping restore the dignity of survivors, creating economic opportunities for women and girls to rebuild and transform their lives, and tackling the root causes of violence.

careCARE International UK (CIUK)

CARE International is one of the world’s leading humanitarian and development organisations. It provides life-saving assistancewhen disaster strikes, and helps people rebuild their lives afterwards. It works alongside poor people and communities on long-term programmesto deliver lasting change. Its programmes and policy work tackle the underlying causes of poverty so that people can become self-sufficient. CARE places special focus on empowering women and girlsbecause, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to lift whole families and communities out of poverty. It also works with communities to prevent and respond to gender based violence and to improve protection measures for women and girls.

gwilogoThe Global Women’s Institute (GWI), The George Washington University (GWU)

GWI was launched in the fall of 2012 as a university-wide initiative to advance gender equality through interdisciplinary research, education, and civic engagement.  GWI leads and supports projects that will make a difference in the lives of women at home and around the world by promoting research that strengthens the global knowledge base on gender, investing in education that prepares the next generation of leaders, and advocating for civic engagement to influence policymakers and raise awareness of women’s issues.

lshtm logoThe London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)

LSHTM is a world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education in public and global health. The School's mission is to improve health and health equity in the UK and worldwide; working in partnership to achieve excellence in public and global health research, education and translation of knowledge into policy and practice. The Gender Violence & Health Centre is a multi-disciplinary research team which works with partners around the world to conduct action-oriented research to better understand the extent, causes and consequences of interpersonal violence, and to identify how prevention and health service programmes can reduce violence in order to improve public health and well-being.

APHRCAfrica Population Health Research Centre (APHRC)

APHRC is a leading pan-African research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, that conducts high quality policy-relevant research on population, health, education, urbsanisation and related development issues across Africa. APHRC actively engages policymakers and other key stakeholders to achieve measurable policy impacts and ensure decision making across the continent is informed by rigorous evidence-based research. APHRC is also committed to developing the next generation of globally competitive African scholars and leads by example through numerous research capacity strengthening initiatives and strong partnerships with top African universities and research institutions.

forcierForcier Consulting

Forcier Consulting was founded in response to the overwhelming demand for data, research and information in some of the most challenging environments in Africa. It aims to produce reliable and high-quality research in these complex settings, while also make long-term investments in building the capacity of national staff to serve as researchers and consultants. Through this approach, not only does the organisation ensure that today's decision-makers are able to create evidence-based policies and programmes, but it also establishes a research legacy and sustainable technical services industry within the country.

This component of the What Works programme is building evidence on how to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in conflict and humanitarian settings.

There is growing recognition of the scale and scope of violence against women and girls in these settings. However, existing rigorous evidence is limited, holding back the humanitarian community from implementing the most effective prevention and response strategies.

Six research studies are being conducted to produce rigorous research and evidence on:

  1. the prevalence, forms, trends, and drivers of VAWG
  2. effective VAWG prevention and response in conflict and humanitarian settings
  3. how to carry out safe, ethical, and rigorous research in conflict and humanitarian settings

In addition, the programme is building the capacity of researchers and practitioners in VAWG research methods and practices, and engaging key stakeholders in research uptake, to ensure that evidence is available to and utilised by policy makers, service providers and programme practitioners.