Democratic Republic of Congo | Tearfund
The project focuses on primary prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG), particularly sexual violence, in 20 conflict-affected communities in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The project will engage and equip faith leaders to speak out against VAWG and act as catalysts to address the root causes of violence within their local communities.
Promouvoir des relations respectueuses et des communautés équitables
Les dialogues communautaires sont un outil que les champions de genre (défenseurs de l’égalité hommes-femmes) peuvent utiliser pour animer des sessions de réflexion et de dialogue. Leur but ultime est que les personnes qui y participent soient transformées. Cet outil sera d’autant plus efficace s’il est utilisé dans le contexte de l’approche Transformer les masculinités. Les thèmes de discussion sont respectivement adaptés au groupe de femmes et au groupe d’hommes, qui sont censés se réunir pour une réflexion commune lors de la sixième semaine.
Les « champions de genre » sont des hommes et des femmes qui se portent volontaires au sein des communautés pour inspirer et faciliter des changements relatifs aux normes de genre, à l’égalité hommes-femmes et au rôle de la foi. L’objectif est d’accompagner un changement de comportement individuel et de changer les normes sociales liées au genre, aux masculinités et aux violences sexuelles basées sur le genre.
Une femme et une fille sur trois subiront des violences physiques ou sexuelles au cours de leur vie. Cela représente un milliard de femmes et de filles dans le monde aujourd’hui. Les violences à l’égard des femmes et des filles existent dans toutes les sphères et les strates de la société, sous diverses formes, comme le viol, la maltraitance physique, le harcèlement et la discrimination. La violence sexuelle et basée sur le genre (VSBG) empêche les femmes et les filles de vivre dans la dignité. C’est pourquoi il faut impérativement y mettre fin.
Promoting respectful relationships and equitable communities
The community dialogues are a tool that Gender Champions can use to facilitate a series of reflections and dialogues. Their ultimate aim is for individuals to be transformed. This tool will be most effective if used in the context of the Transforming Masculinities approach. The discussion themes are tailored for both women’s and men’s groups, with the expectation they will come together for a joint reflection in Week 6. The themes are intended to prompt personal reflection and deepen understanding of the topics; the Gender Champions’ (facilitators’) knowledge will also feed into this process.
‘Gender Champions’ are men and women who volunteer within communities to lead and facilitate change with respect to gender norms, gender equality and the role of faith. The aim is to support individual behaviour change, and to change social norms around gender, masculinities and sexual and gender-based violence.
One in every three women and girls will experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. That is 1 billion women and girls in our world today. Violence against women and girls happens in every sphere and strata of society in various forms such as rape, physical abuse, harassment and discrimination. Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) deprives women and girls of a life of dignity which is why ending it is critical.
03 juillet 2018
Mon nom est Uwezo BAGHUMA. Ces trois dernières années, je travaille sur un projet qui étudie le rôle des chefs religieux, compte tenu de leur influence et stature au sein de leur communauté.
On the power of the faith leader in the fight against harmful behaviour, which supports violence against women and girls (VAWG)
July 03, 2018
My name is UWEZO BAGHUMA LELE, and for last three years I have been working on a project, which looks at the roles religious leaders play in the fight against VAWG, given their influence and standing in the local community.
A household survey taken in Ituri, DRC, reveals shocking levels of IPV and sexual violence. This presentation looks at the benefits of engaging with faith groups to prevent violence in conflict-affected communities. It assesses the reach and influence of faith groups and leaders, and how they have the capacity to change gender attitude. This is facilitated by training faith leaders and gender champions, and a programme of community dialogues.
This report explores the key findings of a baseline quantitative household survey undertaken across 15 communities in Ituri Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in July 2015. The survey was conducted as part of the integrated research component of Tearfund’s project ‘Engaging with Faith Groups to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict-affected Communities’, which is funded by UK aid from the UK government as part of the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls? Global Programme.